Bungoma Siritanyi peace makers is an initiative that was started to enhance peace and stability in Bungoma District.
After we all witnessed the post-poll violence we realized there was need to speedily engage the communities living in Bungoma to embrace each other and work towards a common goal: Peace.
On top of our agenda is to fight the vices that led to the violence that rocked the whole republic and this we have decided shall be achieved by diffusing the ethnic tensions that cultivated the seed of violence.
Despite the fact that Kenya was on the Brink of collapsing during the post-poll violence period, we are determined to fight the notion of tribalism and tribalistic trends in Bungoma and Kenya as a whole by encouraging co-existence and mutual respect among the populace of Bungoma because being a cosmopolitan District, no single tribe can work and succeed alone, we all need each other for us to go ahead and live meaningful life, we believe that even if your neighbor cannot help you materially he/she can still give you advice or console you when you have problems and therefore we should maintain this relationship.
SPMI works on the knowledge that ‘No Man Is an Island.’
“Divided we fall, together we succeed.”
Everybody who is in this world and wants to see peace in the world is our member
Our quest for a peaceful Kenya
We began this initiative by collecting members of the tribes that live in Bungoma,from each community we have a man, woman and youth. This we deed to address issues concerning everybody in society. These three people from each tribe are what makes up Siritanyi Peace Makers Initiative and together we have teamed up to promote a common goal of national healing and reconstruction
Through membership contributions and donations from well wishers, we have been able to realize some short term goals like bringing together like minded people in the search for peace in Bungoma District to solve local problems some of which we have named below.
Despite this,we still need support of the community and any other well wisher from Bungoma,Kenya and the International community at large to realize our long term goals and maintain the projects that we are rolling out to help reach the people of Bungoma and Kenya at large.
We took the initiative to attend and give our views at the Kriegler commission of inquiry into the disputed general election when it toured Bungoma and Mumias Districts respectively.
We have been able to actively involve the locals of Bungoma District to sort out their differences and below are some of the cases that we have had to successfully intervene.
Cases solved at Grassroots level
In the last Eight months alone, we have witnessed the growth of the group from an unknown outfit to a very important organ of the society, this is due to the eagerness we have seen in people presenting their grievances to us,some of these grievances include;
1) Just as we were still in the dark post-poll days, on 3/01/2008, a circular was passed around threatening some members of the Kikuyu community who it alleged had betrayed their candidate in parliamentary elections, this circular warned people to vacate the premises of the named Kikuyus as they would be attacked, when we got the circular, we reported the matter to the provincial administration and further went ahead to make continuous reports in the local radio station (West Fm) urging these attackers not to do what they planned to do and this bore fruits because they realized they had been known and never carried their planned evil deed.
2) We reunited to civic leaders who had been in war with one having even burnt the opponent’s sugarcane plantation.
3) We have helped avert a planned strike at the Bungoma Teachers Training College by addressing the issue with the staff and students of the college.
4) We have averted another planned strike at Namachanja High School in the centre of Bungoma town.
5) We have united two people fighting over land, these two have been quarreling over unpaid arrears of the piece of land, we came between them, talked to each of them and made them reach an agreement which was signed by both, this we recorded with the Bungoma Police station.
6) We have solved a problem that was supposed to be forwarded to court ,in the last minute we intervened and saw a truce between the two; one of them had cut a tree from the latter’s fence and spoilt the fence. This matter was being dealt with by the chief of Township Location but was not being attended to well.
7) We have solved a problem that was between one of our members and a man who had spoilt her kiosk, this case was pending in court, in this we brought the two sides together to a peaceful agreement that was recorded at the Bungoma police station.
8) At the moment we are pushing two cases; one is of a parent whose form one son is being wrongly accused of robbery with violence even after having been the whistle blower of the incidence. The other is between a landlord (the owner of the building that houses Bungoma Rangers Pub) and his tenant (the owner of the business in the name of Rangers Pub.)
These are a few of the many problems that we have been able to solve and are solving at the moment for the last eight months.
These cases that we have solved are among the underlying conflicts that lead to scenarios like those we witnessed in December and after the elections.
It is from this point that we have come up with six projects that will help us reach to the people of Bungoma District and address their respective problems through sharing our views with them and receiving their grievances for forwarding to the administration for solutions.
Monitoring and evaluation
Gender issues
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
(1 John 1:7).
Some people falsely think that those who claim to walk in the light, are always perfect. But according to the context of the above passage (1 John 1:5-10), that is actually the definition of walking in darkness. Only those who walk in darkness claim to be without sin (1 John 1:8).
Rather walking in God's light means being authentic. It means being genuine. It means agreeing with God that we have flaws and giving Him permission to change us (1 John 1:9).
if we all us KENYANS come together and pray I think ....trible lines will be a thing of the past
Said Gilbert Somek
Peace has to start with you
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